Faye & Art Templeton visiting Mike’s Place
Eden Village Springfield, Mo.
Over the summer the MLT Foundation was able to visit Eden Village in Springfield, Mo. to see the Tiny Home Village they have put in place for supporting the homeless population. They are truly putting in place ‘a city where no one sleeps outside’. Their efforts are very inspiring and to date they have established two Tiny Home Communities that can provide housing for around 50 individuals. The Eden Village efforts have supported moving approximately 14% of Springfield’s chronic homeless off of the streets and into a sheltered place.
The MLT Foundation is proud to be a supporter of their efforts – in 2019 MLT donated a Tiny Home to the organization through generous donations to the foundation in memory of Michael Templeton and his favorite color purple. The Eden Village donation was our first Tiny Home in our quest to place 50 Tiny Homes in 50 States in our efforts to support our mission to help end homelessness in America.
While in Missouri we also met with representatives from Wilmington, NC (EVOW) to discuss their efforts to establish an Eden Village tiny home community. The site is currently under development with one Model Home and the MLT Foundation is planning to donate a second purple tiny home in the second half of 2021. There are also plans for supporting a Walking Path for the residents in 2022.
Solar Powered Teardrop Trailer
A new effort underway in Springfield by Eden Village is a facility where they are providing solar powered teardrop campers for overnight stays at a parking lot that has been reopened as Route 66 Campground due to its location. The campground also has a laundry, restroom and shower facilities. Eden Village provides city bus passes for individuals wanting to have shelter at night and the lines are currently too long to accommodate everyone.
The work taking place at Eden Village in Springfield and Wilmington warms your heart to see how a little helping hand and support can change the lives of those in need. Their efforts are showing how to effectively change the landscape of homelessness in America and we at MLT thank them for their efforts and are pleased to be associated with Eden Village.
If you are willing and able to support the MLT Foundations efforts we encourage you to visit our website (www.mlt-cares.com) and make a donation. 100% of your donation will be used in support of the homeless. The MLT Foundation is a registered 501(c)3 Non-Profit and we do not use any donations for administration fees or expenses.
Eden Village Community